General News and Notice Board

KCC Sailors at F18 Worlds in Spain in July 2024 - Congratulations to Archie Gargett, Murray and Danielle Makin from KCC and all the other Aussies who competed at the recent 2024 F18 worlds in Europe. Read the full results here!

KCC Club Members come 2nd in 2024 Worrell 1000. Congratulations to KCC sailor's Pete and Bailey Skewes (Australia 2 team) on a phenomenal achievement in the USA on an F18. Read more...

KCC 2024-2025 AGM has completed - A huge thank you to the outgoing 2023-2024 KCC Committee and we welcome the new 2024-2025 KCC Executive, General and Auxiliary Committee. You can meet them by clicking here!

On Committee in 2024-2025? Not sure of your responsibilities? Elected KCC Executive, General and Auxiliary committee members can read up on their duties by clicking here.

Australian Sailing Membership? - Paid your KCC fees (which incidently includes your Australian Sailing membership) and now need to check your Australian Sailing membership status or just want to know your membership number? You can self-check your Australian Sailing membership details by clicking here. Hint for the future - either bookmark the link or go to KCC's Membership webpage and use the link under Additional Resources.

Need to know more about KCC? Even long term members of the  KCC should peruse the FAQ section of our website regularly for the latest information pertaining to sailing at the club.

Are you under 16 years of age and want to try sailing? Come along one Sunday morning between October and April during our sailing season and speak to our Junior President or Junior Division Representative about sailing in the Junior Division at KCC in the O'pen Skiff monohull class of boat.

On Rostered Duty - don't know what to do? - read on!
If you have been rostered on duty (refer to the Duty Roster) and don't know what is expected of you - then read up on your role as Officer of the Day/Canteen Duties/Timekeeper, Boat Captain or Boat Crew by clicking here for the full duty descriptions. You are expected to perform all your duties unless you can garner some assistance from someone else and in any case you are still responsible and accountable for the tasks. Yes it is a busy day and sometimes a thankless job, but if all our members do their duties to the best of their ability, it makes for a smoother and more enjoyable day for everyone. After all, you wouldn't want to finish a race and find that the times hadn't been taken, the showers were cold or there is no canteen open would you? So please read up on the tasks you must perform and if you like, tell us your preferred duty dates by emailing the Vice President. Finally, remember, if there is no Officer of the Day or no Boat Captain/Crew then there is no racing - so don't let your mates down!

COVID-19 - Whilst restrictions in NSW and Australia generally have eased in late Q3 2022 and KCC's COVID-19 plan is thus not currently active, KCC's plan is still ready to re-implement at short notice if necessary and required by the regulatory authorities. KCC requests all members and guests, when at the club or considering coming out to the club, to remain vigilant and observe sensible precautions re COVID-19 going forward.

Juniors General News and Notice Board - Also see our Juniors General News and Notice Board for juniors specific news and notices.

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