
You use this website (https://www.kcc.asn.au), including but not limited to the advertised products and services at your own risk. This general disclaimer is not restricted or modified by any of the following specific warnings and disclaimers. 

This website's, including but not limited to: html, webpages, code, programs, macros, images, photos, information, advertisements, items for sale/wanted, notices, calendars, results, forms, reports, notices of race, sailing instructions, operational plans or similar, is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. You assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and use arising from this website and Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated(KCC) or this website's author shall not be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or arising out of the use of, or the inability to use the website, items for sale or the information displayed on this website, whether in an action contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the website even if the Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated or the website's author have been advised. Sailing Instructions, Race Calendars, Notice of Race and other documents contained on this website are for information only and are in draft form. All information and content on this website is subject to change without notice.  All copyrights, trademarks and similar remain the property of their respective owners and KCC is not intentionally infringing upon any such rights. If any information or items listed on, or referred to by any of this website's webpages are in any way in breach of any Australian or International law, authority, copyright, patent, regulation or similar, please accept our apologies and contact us directly via email and phone so that we may address the issue and rectify promptly.

Participants in activities, events, offers or similar associated with this website, as a consequence of this website or associated with the Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated, do so at entirely their own risk. Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated and individual Kurnell Catamaran Club members will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury, or death sustained in conjunction with, or prior to, during or after the activity, event, offer or similar.

Security of persons, vehicles, trailers, boats and valuables/gear including from, but not limited to: accidental damage, criminal activities and weather events remains the responsibility of the individual. KCC accepts no liability and takes no responsibility for security of persons, vehicles, trailers, boats and valuables/gear. 

Sailing can be a high risk sport and access to medical treatment and emergency services can be delayed. All participants must exercise their own judgement as to the risks involved. At a minimum participants must be competent swimmers, be physically fit, reasonably coordinated, not suffer from medical conditions that may affect their ability to participate, have the necessary safety gear/attire/boat in good working condition, wear a life jacket, be able to sail and handle a sail boat competently, have a knowledge of the sailing and boating rules, hold appropriate licenses or certification (if mandated by regulatory authorities), understand the local sailing area and weather/tidal conditions, be appropriately insured and understand and accept the risks involved. Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated takes no responsibility for an individuals decision to sail, race or participate in any capacity with, or on behalf of the club. Also refer to the Racing Rules of Sailing - Rule 3 Decision to Race.

Any activities, events, offers or similar are strictly limited and Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated reserves the right to withdraw the activity, event, offer or similar at any time without notice. All forms, notices, webpages, fees and prices are subject to change without notice. All currency on this website is in Australian Dollars.

Please note that the content and views expressed in websites that we provide links to are outside the control of Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated and the website's author; accordingly, no responsibility is accepted for the content or views expressed on these websites. Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated and this website's author provide these links for information only and you should not consider that Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated or this website's author necessarily supports, recommends or endorses any products, information, opinions or other data displayed, advertised or inferred on these websites or subsequent websites or applications they may link to.

All content, format, design, images, pictures, photographs, pages, online graphics, sounds, video, code, applications or similar on this website remain the property of Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated and the website's author and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated, Sydney Australia and this website's author. Apart from any fair dealing for purposes of study, research, criticism and review, as permitted under copyright legislation, no part of these services may be reproduced, re-used or redistributed for any commercial purpose whatsoever, or distributed to a third party for such purpose, without the written permission of the Kurnell Catamaran Club Incorporated and this website's author. All logos and trademarks on this website remain the property of their respective owners and KCC and this website's author are not intentionally infringing on any such rights.

No unsolicited commercial e-mail is to be sent to KCC or to our members.  KCC has a policy of not listing "For Sale" or "Wanted" advertisements except private sales or sponsorships.

KCC's privacy policy prevents us from actively passing member's details or details entered on this website via interactive pages to third parties without the detail owner's consent. 

Weather/tidal data or weather/tidal information on the KCC website or linked to from the KCC website is for convenience only and should not be relied upon or acted upon without first confirming through alternative official sources.

KCC will never ask you for any confidential information including, but not limited to: credit card, banking details, payments and personal information details either directly or via links in emails, SMS, messaging services, phone calls, social media or on our website webpages! Be aware of scammers! Please report any such attempts to the appropriate authorities such as the Australian Government Scamwatch website. KCC accepts no liability whatsoever in regard to anyone intentionally or mistakenly giving out such information.

KCC has a policy of no cash or valuables left on KCC premises and no confidential information stored on KCC premises.

KCC does not warrant that this website is compatible with or will necessarily work with all browsers and devices capable of reading html code.

KCC does not provide any service levels in relation to the response time, accuracy, security, uptime or availability of the KCC website (https://www.kcc.asn.au). Nor do we provide service levels in relation to timely release of information such as race results, race calendars etc. We are a volunteer staffed and run incorporated organisation with limited funding and resources to maintain the website. We also cannot guarantee that the services/data/information provided by or on the website or indeed the website itself will continue to exist and operate in the future or that the services/data/information on this website will be available in perpetuity.

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